Building a new extension

We loved our house from the first time we went through, but it really didn't have enough living space. We have worked on improving the layout of the home and increasing the living area of the home to create a modern and more pleasant layout to the home. We are really proud of how the job has turned out and we wanted to share some of the details of how the extension and layout changes where designed and constructed. This blog has some of the photos of our extension as well as tips that we have learnt along the journey,.

Safety 101 | Expert Tips When Using Winches in a Construction Setting

Construction & Contractors Blog

Winches have helped in revolutionising construction all across the globe. What took hundreds of men to construct can now be completed with only a handful of people. While we can't deny how useful they are, winches also have the potential to be lethal, particularly when safety protocols are ignored. For instance, a winch cable snapping under stress has enough force to decapitate a person! So if you're a DIY enthusiast or a construction worker, then here are some helpful tips to help you use winches appropriately and keep your head and other body parts intact.

Use the correct tool for the job.

Winches are generally used for pulling an object along a horizontal surface. When lifting is required, selecting a hoist or any other lifting tool will go a long way in helping avoid disaster. The load could slip or gears fail when the winch is used to lift a load, resulting in a risky situation. Also, ensure that you are using a winch whose capacity is compatible with the job at hand. Using a winch rated 1 tonne to move a 3-tonne object is a tragic accident waiting to happen.

Use safety equipment.

During winching and rigging, use appropriate safety gear to protect yourself in case anything goes wrong. Safety gloves will help protect your hands if they get caught up in the winching mechanism. Wearing a hardhat at all times is a no brainer, especially when overhead lifting is expected. This would go a long way in protecting your head from blunt force trauma. There are also slip hooks that come with safety latches to keep the load safely secured while it is pulled.

Avoid distractions.

Winching requires your absolute focus in order to ensure everything goes according to plan. That way, you'd be in a better position to take note of any obstacles that may interfere with the moving of the objects. Ensure you keep away from alcohol and drugs, and don't work when under medication of any sort. During winching, it is important to assess the movement of the load at all times and to ensure its progress occurs in a straight line, otherwise you risk damage to the cables. Don't lower your guard even when you're done winching, as you still have to ensure that the load is stable and immobile before detaching the cable safely.

Inspect your equipment.

This is one of the most critical safety practices, since faulty equipment is a major cause of accidents. Always inspect your equipment before use. Scrutinise your winch carefully, taking care to note that all parts are working properly. Take a look at the cable and identify any frayed parts to be sure. Additionally, check your springs to ensure that they are not rusty or compromised in any way and always keep on the lookout for any missing parts. After this, call a professional to fix the issue or use a different winch altogether to ensure your safety.


2 August 2016